Miss Ellie Maas
PhD student & Casual Research Assistant & Research Officer
Frazer Institute
Affiliate of Dermatology Research Centre
Dermatology Research Centre
+61 7 344 34273
Journal Articles
Freeman, Ned, Doolabh, Ammara, Maas, Ellie, Cupitt, Braden, Shap, Aaron, Bertenshaw, Claire and Mitchell, Gary (2024). SAFE: Safety of procedural sedation and analgesia administration in the fast‐track area of the emergency department. Emergency Medicine Australasia. doi: 10.1111/1742-6723.14515
Primiero, Clare A., Maas, Ellie J., Wallingford, Courtney K., Soyer, H. Peter and McInerney-Leo, Aideen M. (2024). Genetic testing for familial melanoma. Italian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology, 159 (1), 34-42. doi: 10.23736/s2784-8671.23.07761-7
Atkinson, Caroline, McInerney-Leo, Aideen, Proctor, Martina, Lanagan, Catherine, Stevenson, Alexander, Dehkhoda, Farhad, Caole, Mary, Maas, Ellie, Ainger, Stephen, Pritchard, Antonia, Johansson, Peter, Leo, Paul, Hayward, Nicholas, Sturm, Richard, Duncan, Emma and Gabrielli, Brian (2024). The ATM Ser49Cys variant effects ATM function as a regulator of oncogene-induced senescence. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25 (3) 1664, 1-12. doi: 10.3390/ijms25031664
Wallingford, Courtney K., Maas, Ellie J., Howard, Antonia, DeBortoli, Emily, Bhanja, Deboshmita, Lee, Katie, Mothershaw, Adam, Jagirdar, Kasturee, Willett, Rod, Betz‐Stablein, Brigid, Sturm, Richard A., Soyer, H. Peter and McInerney‐Leo, Aideen M. (2023). MITF E318K: A rare homozygous case with multiple primary melanoma. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research, 37 (1), 68-73. doi: 10.1111/pcmr.13122
Maas, Ellie J., Wallingford, Courtney K., DeBortoli, Emily, Smit, Darren J., Betz-Stablein, Brigid, Aoude, Lauren G., Stark, Mitchell S., Sturm, Richard A., Soyer, H. Peter and McInerney-Leo, Aideen M. (2023). GOLM1: expanding our understanding of melanoma susceptibility. Journal of Medical Genetics, 60 (9) jmg-2023-109348, 1-3. doi: 10.1136/jmg-2023-109348
Maas, Ellie J., Betz-Stablein, Brigid, Aoude, Lauren G., Soyer, H. Peter and McInerney-Leo, Aideen M. (2022). Unusual suspects in hereditary melanoma: POT1, POLE, BAP1. Trends in Genetics, 38 (12), 1204-1207. doi: 10.1016/j.tig.2022.06.007
Primiero, Clare A., Baker, Amy M., Wallingford, Courtney K., Maas, Ellie J., Yanes, Tatiane, Fowles, Lindsay, Janda, Monika, Young, Mary-Anne, Nisselle, Amy, Terrill, Bronwyn, Lodge, Jason M., Tiller, Jane M., Lacaze, Paul, Andersen, Hayley, McErlean, Gemma, Turbitt, Erin, Soyer, H. Peter and McInerney-Leo, Aideen M. (2022). Attitudes of Australian dermatologists on the use of genetic testing: A cross-sectional survey with a focus on melanoma. Frontiers in Genetics, 13 919134, 1-12. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.919134
Maas, Ellie J, Wallingford, Courtney K, McGuire, Jessica J, Rutjes, Chantal, Smit, Darren J, Betz-Stablein, Brigid, Sturm, Richard A, Soyer, H Peter and McInerney-Leo, Aideen M (2022). Amelanotic/hypopigmented melanoma in a sibship with oculocutaneous albinism. The Journal of Dermatology, 49 (11), 1183-1187. doi: 10.1111/1346-8138.16528
Conference Papers
Maas, Ellie, Betz-Stablein, Brigid, Aoude, Lauren, Soyer, Hans Peter and McInerney-Leo, Aideen (2023). Unusual suspects in hereditary melanoma: POT1, POLE and BAP1. 55th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Conference, Vienna, Austria, 11-14 June 2022. London, United Kingdom: Nature Publishing Group.
Primiero, Clare, Baker, Amy, Wallingford, Courtney, Maas, Ellie, Tiller, Jane, Lacaze, Paul, Nisselle, Amy, Janda, Monika, Soyer, Peter and McInerney-Leo, Aideen (2022). Australian dermatologists' attitudes and confidence in utilising genetic testing and preferences for future training modalities: A cross-sectional survey. Australasian College of Dermatologists 54th Annual Scientific Meeting, Discover Connect Collaborate, Adelaide, SA Australia, 30 April to 3 May 2022. Richmond, VIC Australia: John Wiley and Sons. doi: 10.1111/ajd.6_13832