
The main focus of our research is to develop immunotherapies for non-melanoma skin cancers. Our aim is to effectively activate CD8 T cells within the skin to kill tumour cells. To achieve this, we are investigating novel ways to deliver T-cell activating antibodies into the skin tumour microenvironment. The goal is to generate both local anti-tumour immunity and long term, memory CD8 T cells capable of protecting against recurrent tumour or new skin tumours at distant sites.     

  • Dr Graham Leggatt

    Associate Professor Graham Leggatt

    Associate Professor in Immunology & Associate Professor in Immunology
    Frazer Institute
    Director (Research Training)
    Faculty of Medicine
    Affiliate Associate Professor of School of Biomedical Sciences
    School of Biomedical Sciences

Our current research project aims to examine intradermal delivery of novel combinations of therapeutic antibodies in the treatment of early skin cancers.


We have received funding from Cancer Council Queensland and Tour de Cure.