
The main focus of our research is skin cancer, both melanoma and keratinocyte skin cancer. We have a particular interest in early detection strategies, as well as expanding the concept and applications of teledermatology and teledermoscopy.

Innovative imaging technology, particularly the VECTRA 3D total body imaging system, is playing an integral part in our research to improve the currently fragmented approach to the early detection of melanoma. This research will have a significant impact on early detection strategies and the effectiveness and efficiency of clinical care and health service delivery to those at high risk of melanoma. Our goal is a World Without Melanoma.

Many of our current research projects aim to improve the early detection of melanoma and skin cancer through the utilisation of advanced imaging technologies and approaches to improve clinical care pathways.

Our Health Outcome Program for the Targeted Early Detection of Melanoma Utilising a 3D Teledermatology Network aims to generate the practical evidence required to incorporate 3D skin imaging into the clinical care of people at high risk of melanoma. This project will examine the feasibility of 3D imaging in a clinical setting and assess remote teledermatology assessment vs face-to-face in-person dermatology assessment. It will also conduct a randomised, controlled clinical trial to evaluate the clinical and health service outcomes, and develop an implementation strategy to support the integration of 3D total body imaging into the health care system.

Our Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) for the Study of Naevi complements this research by generating new knowledge on naevi/moles and identifing early markers and indicators for progression to melanoma.

The ACRF Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging & Diagnosis (ACEMID) project will establish a telemedicine network of 15 3D total body imaging systems across QLD, NSW and VIC.


Our team currently receives funding from the NHMRC, ACRF and MRFF, with additional funding provided via philanthropic donors.

Our most recently awarded competitive fundng includes a $9.9M infrastructure grant from the ACRF to establish the Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging & Diagnosis (ACEMID), and a NHMRC Partnership Grant in collaboration with Metro South Hospital & Health Service, Cancer Council QLD and Canfield Scientific Inc.


We have strong collaborations with numerous stakeholders, spanning local, national and international networks, which within Australia include QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, the Australian Skin and Skin Cancer Research Centre (ASSC), Metro South Hospital & Health Service, Cancer Council QLD, eHealth QLD, the University of Sydney and Monash University.